
Who, What & Why

Following curiosity on creative adventures, exploring the good, the true and the beautiful through art, music and story.

Beautifying the world

Humanity is called to be more than prey and predators. Art is one of the tools that pulls us out of the survival of the fittest mindset into a mindset of abundant life and creativity.

Art isn’t just making pretty things, it’s about helping people experience the good, the true, and the beautiful. It’s about raising our level of consciousness.


I was no child prodigy, however, I was curious, fascinated by cultures outside the US and always wanting to make something. I dabbled in drawing, woodworking, storytelling, foreign languages, spirituality and music. It took me decades to figure out how to piece all of these random passions together.

Driven by my love for different cultures, I majored in Spanish and moved to Bolivia in 2004. There I did a number of things like working with churches and participating in other non-profit activities. I got married and had 4 amazing kids. To pay the bills I taught English, and translated documents from Spanish and Portuguese into English. But over time, I grew increasingly dissatisfied with life. I didn’t feel complete. To make the story short, I went through an identity crisis and eventually rediscovered myself as a multi-disciplinary artist. 


In 2019, volunteering at Talita Cumi Children’s Home, I was finally able to put the pieces of the puzzle together. They allowed me to explore and develop a variety of creative talents. I taught art workshops, wrote and directed plays, painted my first murals, and organized musical events. It felt great to be myself and allow my authenticity and creativity to inspire those kids.

In 2021, we felt strongly that it was time to make a drastic change. We moved from Bolivia to my hometown, Raleigh, NC, USA.  It was scary to leave behind a life I had finally figured out, and return to a place that now felt foreign. Yet despite the pressures of the fast-paced American lifestyle, I was determined to remain authentic, playful, creative, and trusting in a higher power to lead me in the right direction.


The ride has been full of ups and downs, twists and turns, tears of grief, and tears of joy as I continue to discover my true self, pursue my passion, and develop my creative talents in the US and on occasional trips abroad. Occasionally I look back to a time when I wanted to end it all, but then I come back to the present where I am grateful for this human experience, ready to face new challenges and excited about the now, as well as the future.